The list of fruits below are considered as the major and most prioritized fruit crops here in the Philippines. The list is courtesy of our Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. All in all there are four major and 10 priority fruit crops. And it is clearly seen that most Filipinos eat these delicious fruits everyday for nourishment and good health. Please refer to the 14 listed fruits below.

List 14 down to 10

TOP : 14
Name : Banana (major)
Tagalog : Saging
Banana (major)
TOP : 13
Name : Calamansi (major)
Tagalog : Kalamansi
Calamansi (major)
TOP : 12
Name : Mango (major)
Tagalog : Mangga
Mango (major)
TOP : 11
Name : Pineapple (major)
Tagalog : Pinya
Pineapple (major)
TOP : 10
Name : Balimbing (priority)
Tagalog : Balimbing
Balimbing (priority)
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