The list below contains the results for the December 6, 2015 Civil Service Exam, also called Career Service Exam - Paper Pencil Test or CSE-PPT for the professional level in ARMM or the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (Basilan, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi).

List of Passers: ARMM - December 6, 2015 CSE-PPT (Professional) Results / Civil Service Exam - Paper Pencil Test

[Also: List of Passers ARMM - Subprofessional Level]
[AlsoComplete list of Passers - Professional & Subprofessional Level]

List of Passers: ARMM - December 6, 2015 CSE-PPT (Professional) Results / Civil Service Exam - Paper Pencil Test

SeqNo Region ExamNo Name
1 16 572514 ABDUHALIM, ANIZA M
2 16 573077 ALIH, ALSHARIF A
* * * * * NOTHING FOLLOWS * * * * *

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